Mission + Vision

We envision a future where mentorship is accessible, personalized, and impactful, driving meaningful growth and development across diverse communities and industries.

Our Core Values


Connection is at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on building (and facilitating) relationships instead of pursuing transactional interactions. You are important to us. So are your constituents.


We are constantly striving to make things easier for your teams and constituents succeed. The world around education and academia is ever-evolving. We strive to stay ahead of the curve and to continually bring you solutions that will best help your teams, students, and alumni succeed.

Accessibility and Opportunities For All

We believe that mentorship, the web, and technology are for everyone, regardless of disability, language, cultural, or socioeconomic differences. We aim to meet WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliance in our product.


We don’t chase the latest trends or be disruptive just for disruption’s sake. We develop our features with careful consideration of personal, social, and institutional implications.

“We're committed to placing you and your team at the forefront of everything we do. For us, "Customer Service" isn't just a buzzword; it's our guiding principle. We'll collaborate closely with you to bring your program vision to life. It’s the Xinspire way.”

The Xinspire Promise